Being inclusive (AGAIN)

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Yes, it would've been nice and special if we ended this “blog” with our previous post. But it wouldn't  have been very nice and special (and inclusive and burner) if I didn't talk about the other people that were part of my camp! 

So after brainstorming, A LOT of brainstorming actually (because its not that easy to talk about people you didn't experience much with, you know what I mean?) we decided to come up with this post.

Before I begin/end I'd like to say that ALL these people were the GREATEST addition a camp could ever ask for, either as "worker contributors" (putting our camp up) or as fun people to be around - SO THANK YOU FOR THAT!

Bearcat and Natalie - you guys are a gem, I have to say I didn't believe you guys were going until I actually saw you guys in Reno. Barry, did you end up waking up for the sunrise that day? Because I didn't... In the best way possible - people were legit talking about how awesome you guys were and I was really looking forward to spend more time with you guys, but like Manders - I think we were burning on different schedules! I really hope you guys are back next year and I'll get to spend at least half a day with you both!! :)

Eddie - the last camp addition, I was SO HAPPY when I found out you were coming, sadly I think the only time we spent together was the 8 hours driving in to burning man! maybe it was for the better of the 2 of us, maybe it was a sign, whoe knows! ahahahaha

Neville - I can't find ways to THANK YOU for taking that sign up top robot heart ahahahaha. I feel like maybe you were with Jimmy a lot and I remember always running into you guys at camp - greatest people to hang after a long day/night biking! you were such a great addition, I hope you are back next year (and hopefully I'll be back too lol)!

photo credits: David Forrest/ Sign Credits: Maria Lost/ burning man sign exposure credits: NEVILLE HICKS
Mission  successfully accomplished 

Ryan - When I grow up I want to find someone that will see me on a hot dog costume and be as happy and as in love as you were with Tessa/Tressha when she put that costume on!

Jessie - can't talk much other then saying you were a great "shower buddy" Jessie, and thank you for walking me to the washroom during dust storm, you know what they say: "playa provides"  - If I got lost after leaving the washroom with you taking me there, imagine what would've happen if you were not there!!?? I don't know whats your zodiac - but I feel good things about it ahhahaha. 

Linda - I thought I was just getting a ticket, but you and amanda were FOR SURE THE BEST "random" addition of our camp! So helpful, happy, caring and the list goes on....

Oana - sure we were in the same camp/yurt?? hahahahaa how was ur buurrrnn??? best photographer we could ask for :) 

Derek, Sion and Ethan probably won't even read this lol but just in case you do...Thank you for just making part of all this! :)

Chuck, Gabi, Joana, Jana and Amanda - probably won't even read this lol but just in case you do....It was a pleasure the know you and Thank you for just making part of all this! :)

If you are ACTUALLY still reading this "blog" - YOU ARE CRAZY! Because like I said before...all the content here may or may not make sense, if it does – GREAT!! If it doesn't… whatever they are all thoughts from a foam head anyways, you are all crazy for reading!