not worth reading, but worth writing (make sense?)

08:41 Unknown 0 Comments

Perfect – now that the “thank you” mission is accomplished, “THE SIGN” is explained and introductions are done I feel like this “blog” and I are in the same “stage of life”.

That stage I wish google had the answer to what is happening next – to me, jenny, and this “blog”.
That stage I still don’t know what I am doing, but I am still doing it lol
That stage I still feel like I have so much of nothing to write about.
That lost stage of life that google doesn’t have the answers so you keep writing hoping to find the answer somewhere, somehow, someday lol

ANYWAY – before I continue to talk about nothing, I’d like to say that Jenny and I ACTUALLY did some brainstorming before writing this post, trying to figure it out whether to continue with this or not, turns out this weekend it was our “Volley ball Gala Awards” (yes, not only I belong to a 32members volley ball team, but also we have a Gala Awards ceremony)!

But wait – before I start talking about the Gala – what I was trying to say is…. We were trying to figure it out whether to continue with this or not, then the Gala happened…then I spent the whole day on Sunday (hangover lol) thinking HOW SPECIAL AND UNIQUE our group of friends is (FOR REAL)! Then I remembered what Ben once said: “Write something worth reading, or do something worth writing” – Maybe what I am writing is not worth reading, but I do think that what we do is definitely WORTH WRITING (TO ME AT LEAST lol). 

ANYWAY, long story short what I am trying to say is that our group did NEEDED someone to document all the shit we do! (I think)

Yes – we might just have chosen a topic for this “blog” (for now)…we are not very good at following to plan (everything in life is temporary anyways)…so chances are we might start talking about burning man again or whatever, or stop "blogging" - we are lost anyways and you are crazy for reading. 

WAIT, what was I saying again? Right…

The Volley ball Gala Awards – comeback tomorrow if ACTUALLY want to know about it. 

This all may or may not make sense, if it does – GREAT!! If it doesn't… whatever they are all thoughts from a foam head anyways, you are all crazy for reading!