we moved - www.jennythehead.com

14:53 Unknown 0 Comments

we moved - www.jennythehead.com


not worth reading, but worth writing (make sense?)

08:41 Unknown 0 Comments

Perfect – now that the “thank you” mission is accomplished, “THE SIGN” is explained and introductions are done I feel like this “blog” and I are in the same “stage of life”.

That stage I wish google had the answer to what is happening next – to me, jenny, and this “blog”.
That stage I still don’t know what I am doing, but I am still doing it lol
That stage I still feel like I have so much of nothing to write about.
That lost stage of life that google doesn’t have the answers so you keep writing hoping to find the answer somewhere, somehow, someday lol

ANYWAY – before I continue to talk about nothing, I’d like to say that Jenny and I ACTUALLY did some brainstorming before writing this post, trying to figure it out whether to continue with this or not, turns out this weekend it was our “Volley ball Gala Awards” (yes, not only I belong to a 32members volley ball team, but also we have a Gala Awards ceremony)!

But wait – before I start talking about the Gala – what I was trying to say is…. We were trying to figure it out whether to continue with this or not, then the Gala happened…then I spent the whole day on Sunday (hangover lol) thinking HOW SPECIAL AND UNIQUE our group of friends is (FOR REAL)! Then I remembered what Ben once said: “Write something worth reading, or do something worth writing” – Maybe what I am writing is not worth reading, but I do think that what we do is definitely WORTH WRITING (TO ME AT LEAST lol). 

ANYWAY, long story short what I am trying to say is that our group did NEEDED someone to document all the shit we do! (I think)

Yes – we might just have chosen a topic for this “blog” (for now)…we are not very good at following to plan (everything in life is temporary anyways)…so chances are we might start talking about burning man again or whatever, or stop "blogging" - we are lost anyways and you are crazy for reading. 

WAIT, what was I saying again? Right…

The Volley ball Gala Awards – comeback tomorrow if ACTUALLY want to know about it. 

This all may or may not make sense, if it does – GREAT!! If it doesn't… whatever they are all thoughts from a foam head anyways, you are all crazy for reading!


Introductions - Maria

19:54 Unknown 0 Comments

What was I saying again? Right...

This is when I talk about MaRia - She left Brazil 8 years ago to lean english, then... she got lost, and never came back lol.  NOW, she doesn't speak english or portuguese - hence why all the grammatical errors on this "blog". Maybe after this "blog" she will improve her writing skills (everything happens for a reason, right?) and learn english.

She works the "9 to 5" to support my self (Jenny) after 5. WE LOVE to travel, so most of her money goes to travel and to me (Jenny). Every time she travels she takes me with her (which I find it very nice of her lol).

Maria is a pisces, meaning all the stupid shit she does in life she will end up saying: "its because I'm a pisces" (or because of me- Jenny). According to the "Only astrology book you will ever need" pisces are good people, but if you wanna know more about pisces go read an astrology blog lol

The "lost" nickname she earned for the abvious reason, all her cellphones have a life spam of no more then 6 months! And everything else...lets just say she was not born to have expensive shit, she was born to experience shit lol (I guess)!

Somehow she is always in love - with someone or something, she will always find something to LOVE (like this "blog" for now).  Her therapist even said: "Maria, to me it just seem that you love to love, nothing wrong with that". I guess she was right lol

Maria is very social, and also LOVES THURSDAYS (and wine). We both live life like there is no tomorrow and LOVE life like there is no tomorrow. We both believe that everything happens for a reason, and we still don't know whats the reason for this "blog".  Yes we are the same person, except Maria lives life and Jenny lives inside Maria's imagination.

Maybe this "blog" is crazy, maybe its creative, maybe its last post, maybe not..who knows?!

Do it with love or don't do it at all

This all may or may not make sense, if it does – GREAT!! If it doesn't… whatever they are all thoughts from a foam head anyways, you are all crazy for reading!


Introductions - Jenny

15:03 Unknown 0 Comments

Ok, so I underestimated Jenny's "writing" skills - turns out jennyyhehead.blogspot.ca is turning ONE WEEK OLD today!! (insert surprise audince sound..then insert claps and people cheering sound)!!

I don't know if this its "a thing" to celebrate, but considering this "blog" content is made of a foam head thoughts - everyday is a victory and every week is new journey hahahaha :) 

Also, I must recognize now that even thought I didn't like the idea very much at first (don't know if it was a sign or if its just funny) but good thing we didn't write that email/letter/letters lol 

Anyway...so its been a week...now what!? We did some brainstorming and I decided to tell my sister about this "blog" today, but before sharing with her I feel like maybe its time for some introductions (just so that she doesn't worry and thinks that I am getting schizophrenic, u know!?) 

So we brainstorm for a bit and decided that I'm going to talk about Jenny and she is going to talk about me... (Bc we like to make people feel special and unique, rememeber!? Lol). I'm going first, because my sister already knows me and Jenny is the one she doesn't know....

What was I saying again!? Right...

This is when I start talking about Jenny:

She "happened" in Canada, around 6 years ago!? (I think). She is very nice (sometimes) and very social. She loves to make friends and best friends. She embarrass me in front of others and sometimes even coworkers. She disappear for a week and comes back on Thursdays. ACTUALLY, she LOVE THURSDAYS, therefore she is ALWAYS out on thursdays...which a lot of the times really ends up screwing me over on fridays (its been 6 years now, so the late thursdays don't bother me as much anymore). Anyways...Jenny doesn't work and never did, all she does is party, she lives life like there is no tomorrow (which a lot of the times really ends up screwing me over as well).

She thinks the name Maria is too foreign and started introducing her self as Jennifer, because she likes Jennifer Aniston. Also because she wanted to feel more "Canadian" (she changed the name, but can't get rid of the accent lol). Jennifer can speak english and portuguese, and english with portuguese (or portuguese with english) and sometimes she speaks her own language too (Ethan, did I answer your question? lol).

She has a terrible memory - great at meeting people, terrible at remembering them (Well, she is a foam head - I guess it all makes sense now lol).

This year I took her to burning man and she ACTUALLY got her own FOAM HEAD (THANK YOU CASEY HOWELL!) - and she had her own FOAM HEAD FRIENDS (might sound CRAZY, but its ACTUALLY true lol).

Also, Jenny only shows up when I am drunk!
People might think I'm crazy, but JENNY IS CRAZY!

And if you ARE ACTUALLY reading this "blog" and you don't see a post tomorrow...don't forget tomorrow is THURSDAY!

And just in case we don't ever "post" here again (because my sister disapproves it lol)...here is pic of us with my other sister Hailey and her girl Kitty!

This all may or may not make sense, if it does – GREAT!! If it doesn't… whatever they are all thoughts from a foam head anyways, you are all crazy for reading!


Maria is off - Jenny on command

17:32 Unknown 0 Comments


This is Jenny - Maria worked some overtime yesterday (one day = 2 posts) so I gave her the day off. As you all know from previous post I can't spell therefore I shouldn't be writing... So I have a video of Maria to present - hope you like it, and if you don't, I don't care I am not in the video anyways!

don't click the picture hahahaha - click the link bellow

This "blog" was suppose to be a post burning man thank you email, remember?

So the video might make no sense, but it ACTUALLY make sense with this "blog" - you get what Im saying?

If yes great, if not, whatever I'm just the foam head and you are CRAZY to be back!



19:49 Unknown 0 Comments

Yes, it would've been nice and special and unique if we ended this "blog" with our last post. But the "plan" was to write a group email anyways, then a group letter, then multiple letters, then one post, then 2, bla bla bla... we haven't been following to plan since the beginning of all this shit anyways so why should we now? (it also wouldn't be nice to our ONE FOLLOWER, to stop now! - love u HAILS)

Anyway....so the "THANK YOU" mission have been accomplished - now is when we get to talk/write for the sake for talking/writing (you know what I mean Justin?) - he knows I love to talk for the sake of talking, when there is nothing to talk and nobody to hear (but you lol)!

This is when you can ACTUALLY stop reading this "blog", for 2 reasons:

  1. Because we are done with our "thank you note" - so thank you for reading!
  2. Because things may ACTUALLY start making NO SENSE! (thats if anything made any sense before for you of course) if they didn't make sense and you are still reading - YOU ARE CRAZY!

Anyway, what was I saying again? Right... NOTHING, yet!

But what I was going to say is... this thing (story) about THE SIGN. Well, let me tell you... I was always a STRONG believer that everything happens for a reason and when shit goes down I like to believe that its a sign something good is coming or whatever (except when you are running and you need to take a poop - its never a good sign when there is no washroom around).

Also, on top of that I'm a strong believer of the signs as in - astrology/horoscope/zodiac all that shit! But if I start talking about astrology this might become an astrology blog and I know nothing about astrology lol Well, I did buy "The only astrology book you will ever need"...and I still haven't finished (I also never finished reading a book - i know, i am NOT AT ALL proud to say that, but what can I say...I'm a foam head) haahahaha.

Wait,what was I saying again? Right...

So I wanted to make a sign for our camp, like a REALLY NICE ONE!! But I totally overestimate my skills to do such thing lol -I had a great Idea (I think) but then...lets just say that "youtube DIY videos" are a lot easier on youtube then done!

So I postponed the camp sign for next year... 

And then Jenny and I did some brainstorming and decide to make the sign anyways, except now the idea was to make something (something like an arrow), or a"sign" that we could bring out with us and find each other easier in the playa (at Distrikt and or Robot Heart) or leave the sign at camp to find our camp easier, or whatever, and then...lest just say I overestimated my skills of drawing an arrow (a BIG ONE),  its actually really hard to make a big arrow, or maybe its because I'm a foam head!

Then galaxy pants (stokie) got mad at at me, for asking for his help too much (help with the camp sign, help with the arrow, help with anything to do with sign lol)...then I just started carving, no brainstorming, no idea, no plans, no destination lol - then a cloud(ish) come out of it. Done!

Now... what to write on it? to write or not to write? bla bla bla...3 hours go by (just kidding)

Remember how I mention before how: "often times I think he (galaxy pantshates me" - that was one of them! 

So he says: why don't you just write "Its' a sign" - I loved the idea (too much), but I wanted to write something that was my idea (goddammit - so many ideas to settle with one that was not mine, did I even ask for his idea? lol). Anyway...Fast forward - We get to burning man (the sign and I) and all I had to do was glue the letters into the sign...

What I am going to say now might be funny, or maybe its a sign BUUUUT...THE ONLY ERROR I could've possibly make - I did (and I am NOT AT ALL PROUD of that) - I spell it wrong. Only a foam head would've make such bizarre mistake like that! Also - the first person to notice it was spell it wrong was OBVIOUSLY galaxy pants

Maybe it was a sign (that I shouldn't write anymore or that I should write?) ahahahha
Or maybe was the sign I needed to make the sign more "mine" - (wait, did that make sense?) 

Anyway, there is more to it - but it will be hard to follow Jenny if she continues, so...Whatever, so many signs, too many signs - you crazy if you are still reading lol but here is a picture of the sign in case you wanna see:

THE SIGN only made to ONE sunset at Distrikt 

and ONE sunrise at Robot Heart 

- loosing the sign also made it a little bit more "mine"

like I said...This all may or may not make sense, if it does – GREAT!! If it doesn't… whatever they are all thoughts from a foam head anyways, you are all crazy for reading!


Being inclusive (AGAIN)

10:48 Unknown 0 Comments

Yes, it would've been nice and special if we ended this “blog” with our previous post. But it wouldn't  have been very nice and special (and inclusive and burner) if I didn't talk about the other people that were part of my camp! 

So after brainstorming, A LOT of brainstorming actually (because its not that easy to talk about people you didn't experience much with, you know what I mean?) we decided to come up with this post.

Before I begin/end I'd like to say that ALL these people were the GREATEST addition a camp could ever ask for, either as "worker contributors" (putting our camp up) or as fun people to be around - SO THANK YOU FOR THAT!

Bearcat and Natalie - you guys are a gem, I have to say I didn't believe you guys were going until I actually saw you guys in Reno. Barry, did you end up waking up for the sunrise that day? Because I didn't... In the best way possible - people were legit talking about how awesome you guys were and I was really looking forward to spend more time with you guys, but like Manders - I think we were burning on different schedules! I really hope you guys are back next year and I'll get to spend at least half a day with you both!! :)

Eddie - the last camp addition, I was SO HAPPY when I found out you were coming, sadly I think the only time we spent together was the 8 hours driving in to burning man! maybe it was for the better of the 2 of us, maybe it was a sign, whoe knows! ahahahaha

Neville - I can't find ways to THANK YOU for taking that sign up top robot heart ahahahaha. I feel like maybe you were with Jimmy a lot and I remember always running into you guys at camp - greatest people to hang after a long day/night biking! you were such a great addition, I hope you are back next year (and hopefully I'll be back too lol)!

photo credits: David Forrest/ Sign Credits: Maria Lost/ burning man sign exposure credits: NEVILLE HICKS
Mission  successfully accomplished 

Ryan - When I grow up I want to find someone that will see me on a hot dog costume and be as happy and as in love as you were with Tessa/Tressha when she put that costume on!

Jessie - can't talk much other then saying you were a great "shower buddy" Jessie, and thank you for walking me to the washroom during dust storm, you know what they say: "playa provides"  - If I got lost after leaving the washroom with you taking me there, imagine what would've happen if you were not there!!?? I don't know whats your zodiac - but I feel good things about it ahhahaha. 

Linda - I thought I was just getting a ticket, but you and amanda were FOR SURE THE BEST "random" addition of our camp! So helpful, happy, caring and the list goes on....

Oana - sure we were in the same camp/yurt?? hahahahaa how was ur buurrrnn??? best photographer we could ask for :) 

Derek, Sion and Ethan probably won't even read this lol but just in case you do...Thank you for just making part of all this! :)

Chuck, Gabi, Joana, Jana and Amanda - probably won't even read this lol but just in case you do....It was a pleasure the know you and Thank you for just making part of all this! :)

If you are ACTUALLY still reading this "blog" - YOU ARE CRAZY! Because like I said before...all the content here may or may not make sense, if it does – GREAT!! If it doesn't… whatever they are all thoughts from a foam head anyways, you are all crazy for reading!


The Wedding

14:49 Unknown 0 Comments

(photo credits: Oana Dragan) - BEST BURNING MAN PHOTOGRAPHER 

Alright, here we go again... before I start/end I should say that - FINALLY after this "post" I think we can ACTUALLY retire and end with this "blog" (for now). 

Maybe its just a sign, maybe it was always meant to be this way...you know what they say: "best for last" we couldn't end without talking about the most special PLAYA event - Edan and Esther's Wedding (or vows renewal) however you would like to call it!! 

Jenny likes to call it the Wedding (she thinks that REAL WEDDINGS ONLY happen in the playa, anything outside playa world is just "not real") - I have to agree with her on this one, and must say she ACTUALLY makes sense, or I think she does! 

She says that the reason she thinks that way is because at the playa everything is just A LOT MORE INTENSE and therefore more REAL! (you know what I mean?) if yes, - GREAT, if no..whatever! hahahahaa

Anyway, what was I saying again? Right... 

Edan and Esther - ACTUALLY, Esther first, because I met her first :) So we met last year at the volley gala, well maybe I should stay focus and just talk about burning man episodes LOL - 
OK, TA BOM -  Edan AND Esther - Before I met them I knew I'd love them (its CASEY HOWELL'S BROTHER AND SISTER IN LAW, duh!). 

Our relationship is funny because I don't see/talk to them very often, but I've developed this special feeling (or way of loving) for them. I think its because I admire them as individuals and also the relationship they have, they know how to party and how to be parents, they know how to loose themselves and also how to find themselves, they are good together and separately, and also good for each other. Not everyday we see a couple like them! 

I remember hanging out with Esther at camp and she said she was happy where she was (she was with me, so of course she'd be happy lol), and that she was happy Edan was out enjoying it (what I am trying to say that she was trying to say IS: that she was happy she was not holding him back) - THIS IS REAL LOVE! Is love without jealousy, love without selfishness, its just wanting the other to be happy (regardless if spending time together or not). #beautiful :) 

Some people have parents that are still married, some people don't - my parents are divorced and Jenny is adopted. So we don't have the "perfect family picture frame" at home,  so whenever we se a marriage thats gone well (like the one you guys have) WE LOVE IT!! Because it makes us BELIEVE in it (you know what I mean?)! 

That was the FIRST TIME I ever attended I "vows renewal" ceremony (is that even a thing?) - ACTUALLY, I didn't just attend - I was the flower girl (don't know if its a big deal, BUT I THINK IT WAS A BIG DEAL, or it was a BIG DEAL for me) - SO THANK YOU FOR THAT!! 

I hope and wish that all the imaginary flowers I threw it in the air will bring you guys LOTS OF LOVE and LOTS of BURNING years together :) 

Maybe its a sign, maybe its just funny but last year I met this guy at burning man and his "playa gift" was to make you write a note to your self "in the future" so he could mail it to you (like 6 months after): your pic and your message to your self and this is what I wrote to my self: 

"Get Married at Burning Man or die Single!"


This all may or may not make sense, if it does – GREAT!! If it doesn't… whatever they are all thoughts from a foam head anyways, you are all crazy for reading!

This may or may not be the last "post" - who knows!


Being inclusive

11:46 Unknown 0 Comments

Yes, it would've been nice and special if we ended this “blog” with our previous post. But it wouldn't  have been very nice and special (and inclusive and burner) if I didn't talk about the other special people that made a difference to my burn this year –

So after some brainstorming, Jenny and I decided to continue to write… also because we are very much enjoying to write, and also because we want to make them feel special and unique  (and we like to make people feel special and unique) did I say this before?

ANYWAY...Before I begin – if you started reading this “blog” today, just so you know, this was not supposed to be a blog (hence why it’s a “blog”) – it should have been a “post burning man" thank you email, then it was supposed to be a letter, bla bla bla – whatever, if you care to know how it started just go read the first post and maybe you will get it!! And if you don't, whatever they are just thoughts from a foam head (after #burningman)

Anyway, what was I saying again? Right…

I am going to start/continue with MISS SARE – THE MOST wanted 2015 playa member J I am actually SO HAPPY I got to spend some great quality playa time with you!! I remember telling Robbie (still in Reno) how I was LOVING to get to know you more. Let’s be honest – we were never really FRIEEENDS  (I hope/guess we are now). I’ve always liked you, for no specific reason really, other than the fact that YOU ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS have a smile on your face J Well…also, how can someone not like Sare? She is like a Disney Princess (but not like the silly ones you see on Disney) ahahaha…. ACTUALLYYYY – WAIT, RIGHT… SHE IS THE QUEEN V (go ask her what V stands for – I was too high on mojitos to understand this whole V shit lol) I just know that I loved being princess V for a day and match Sare for a day! Sare is like sweet and funny, and sarcastic and everything I thought she wasn’t at first (DON’T TAKE THIS THE WRONG WAY PLEASE!) – what I am trying to say is that: When I first met Sare I just thought she was supper friendly and nice and “that’s it” and I was happy with that lol – but then I met PATTY!! Patty is everything that Sare isn’t – day 1 PATTY was all cute, with a ribbon on her face the richest necklace of burning man, day 2 – PATTY lost her ribbon and had her face cover in MUDD lol by the way – what happened to PATTY?  While I don’t know what happened to PATTY… Sare was still beautifully up and running with her sailor moon hair as if she was leaving in a Castle! (ACTUALLY – that yurt was a Castle, no?) – ANYWAY, what I am trying to say is that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT to have spent more time with and meet the sarcastic Sare side of you and all the other sides I didn’t know! (wait – don’t take this the wrong way! lol)

Greg & Andrew – sorry guys but, I met you together, I’ve only seen you together and we spent the day together, so I can’t talk separately – because I just haven’t experience one without the other yet anyway! AND you guys are SOOO GOOD together anyways ahahahaha J

Well, where do I begin – we met at pride and it was love at first sight, then I saw you guys again at the movies and then straight to BURNING MAN!! Don’t be mad at me but I only figure it out who was Greg and who was Andrew AT burning man, before I just knew that I love both and whenever one was there the other one was too, and whenever I wanted to talk to one I also wanted to talk to the other so “whatever” – but that’s default world. AT BURNING MAN I found out WHO WAS Andrew and WHO WAS GREG – still together, but separately ahahhaha
It was probably a sign, BUUUTT – this is how the journey started: I left for the day with Stokie, Robbie, Justin and Linda, we cruise for like 10 min and I wasn’t feeling like hanging out with them lol (also because I had forgotten my bubba at camp and they were doing to many drinks stops, and that was not what I was looking for that day/moment).
That day I wanted to explore and maybe even go for my first solo mission (get my nails done, massage, meet randoms etc)… So I went back to camp (to get my bubba just in case); and that’s when I find GREAG AND ANDREW (the prettiest matchy matchy couple in the playa). OK, TA BOM – deep inside I never really wanted to do a solo mission (I was just trying to be “radical self-reliant” for once),  well…THANK FUKIN GOD GREG AND ANDREW decided to come with me! Maybe it was a sign, maybe it’s just funny – but I thought I wanted a “solo mission” but what I need was 2 virgins to hang with me all day! We spent THE WHOLE ENTIRE DAY (no joke) looking for a spot to get our nails done – IT WAS A JOURNEY WITH DESTINATION STILL TO BE FOUND lol Now that I look back – I am actually SO HAPPY we didn’t find the nails spa, because we end up in such a better adventure: from decorating our mugs with silver tape, to tattooing our bodies, we got snow cones and a disgusting coffee drink that only Andrew like it, we went to swings (MY FAVORITE THING ABOUT BURNING MAN), we found ice cream and the family, we spent 3 hours in line to go inside an old ladies boot, we finish our journey without getting our nails done but we end up in one of the most special places of burning man : THE TEMPLE!!! I was always a little scared to go in, I guess that’s why I didn’t go last year (sadly, I know). Deep inside I also know that I wouldn’t have gone to the temple again this year if these guys didn’t take me there – I don’t know why and don’t take this the wrong way but I was always scared of the tample!! (well, I know why –but that’s a different post lol)
ANYWAYS, WHAT I AM TRYING TO SAYY isssss… that day was for sure the DAY I did THE MOST at BURNING MAN, I think we did everything I wanted and needed and with the company I wanted and needed – SO THANK YOU for that J
There is also something special and unique to spend a “solo” day with 2 virgins! (especially when the 2 virgins are SO SPECIAL!)

This all may or may not make sense, if it does – GREAT!! If it doesn't… whatever they are all thoughts from a foam head anyways, you are all crazy for reading!


Jenny and Melanie's "journey"

15:38 Unknown 0 Comments

Oohh STOOKIEEEE - leaving you and melanie for last was OBVIOUSLY part of the plan and NOT A SIGN !!! ahahahahaha but anyways, as I was saying:

This relationship it’s been quite of journey – it’s funny that even though you are the one who made the “Keep It Together” bracelets, I already said that WHO KEEPS this FAMILY together is CASEY HOWELL! Also - maybe it was a sign, maybe it’s just funny, BUT of all people in this group the “no name known as the 15 years burner” told YOU (the one who LOVES the SOLO MISSIONS the most) to KEEP IT TOGETHER

Stokie is the guy with the galactic pants, that never sleeps (so when he is sleeping I'll for sure be sleeping as well), that is never mad (unless you bring your fur). I trust Stokie like I trust Robbie, I scream for his name for no specific reason to be honest lol. Often times I think he hates (he probably does lol). He doesn't say that he loves me unless I say it first, and if I say I hate him he will also say he hates me. I ask for his help even when I don't need any help (just because I like for him to help me aahhahaa)! 

Anyways, as I was saying - burning man.....

It will be hard to talk about YOU (and melanie) and not talk about ME (and Jenny) – it’s like burning man happened to me when I decided to join YOUR “solo mission” (I think it was a sign, and that night was never supposed to be a solo mission anyway)! 

We started the night taking jenny and Melanie to a golden toilet that we are still trying to figure it out how those mirrors work.

Then we took them to cirque du solei underneath the man, (he was looking for fulfillment and I was looking for happiness) -  we go in and it’s like we both seem to be part of the show, and not just part of the random audience around (YES, WE BOTH WENT ON STAGE, no.. not together).

AND THEN…I think it was a sign (ACTUALLY, it WAS OBVIOUSLY a sign) that OF ALL 20 PEOPLE IN THE ROOM - the psychic CHOOSES ME to CHOOSE A CARD for our group!

I think that at this point I don’t need to say it was a sign AGAIN, but the card that I happen to choose meant to say – “It’s about the journey, not the destination”

So we left the circus and decided to leave our HEADS (Jenny and Melanie) behind (by the washroom actually, meeting randoms). We didn't leave them behind because of what the psychic told us (for real), but because we thought it was a good idea (it was a great idea actually lol). So we left “the man” happy and fulfill on our journey with no destination.

I was following the signs and he was just lost trying to survive, I remember asking him a couple times not to die! Then we started making plans (a lot of them) like: hoping on art cars, going inside every art installation, climbing all sorts of things and etc, but most importantly NOT DIE!

Theeeeen we started running low on water and we were also not dress properly for the night, so we decided to go to camp WITHOUT OUR HEADS (jenny and melanie) to change for our night outfits! On our way to camp I felt like we were walking for weeks (was that a 42km?), tough mission we gave our selves! 

Anyway...Our journey was only half way done, we still had no heads, but now we had a destination (CAMP/HOME)!!

bla bla bla, we get to camp, we get water and drinks, and change to night outifits....

Then on our way BACK to pick up our HEADS (Jenny and Melanie) the journey wasn't the same!!
I changed to night outfit but was warmer with my bathing suit (don’t ask me how). 

We had water and drinks, and friends that join us for  the walk (CASEY HOWELL, sion and friend), we had everything we wanted but that was not what we needed (I guess) - I went back to rescue Jenny still following the same signs wanting the same journey to happen or continue. He went back to rescue Melanie following his principals and no signs (I think). 

We argued over a fur (that I did not bring) - to me it was just a fur I wanted to go get it...to him it was way more then just a fur! 

I was talking about the weather and he was talking about the principals! The way back was definitely not the same, we were not the same, the journey wasn't the same, nothing was the same! 

And I think that the biggest SIGN (lesson) I got from all this is:

No journey will ever be the same
No burning man experience is ever going be the same (even the same night is not the same)
The same doesn't exist, so I stop looking for it
The destination really doesn't matter
I get the principals now ahhahaha
AND ... TO ME – we all BURN differently the same, and that is WHAT KEEPS US TOGETHER!

WAAAIITTT, ACTUALLY… BIG LIFE LESSION THAT I ALSO LEARN – ALWAAAYSSSS, ALWAYS, ALWAYSSSS BRING YOUR FUR AT NIGHT! (or maybe don’t, and let me know what happens….maybe that was the sign and if I had my fur none of this would've happened)

So THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for completing all the pieces of my own self life puzzle!

I think I said this before but just in case I didn't - This all might make sense or not, if it does – GREAT, if it doesn't, whatever ....they are all thoughts from a foam head anyways, you are all crazy for reading!

Aw, and what is special about this blog is that its already over, or maybe not, who knows!?


A closer look inside Jenny's head

20:24 Unknown 0 Comments

So I thought about writing the team a nice email, then I thought about writing a letter...a letter would have been so much nicer (like special and "unique") and I love making people feel special and unique! 

Then i started thinking about if I should send you all the same letter or a tailored one to each one of you (THAT WAS THE IDEA I LIKED THE MOST ACTUALLY) 

BUUUTT... it would've taken me the year to finish all these letters and you guys would've only gotten them by burning man 2016 - (WHICH WOULD'VE been EVEN NICER AND SPECIAL AND IDEAL - but you all know how ANXIOUS I am, I'd be afraid to die and not ever say what I am about to say (by the way I once saw at one of the art installations at burning man: "there is no greater agony then bearing an untold story inside you") - or something like that.

Anyways, as I was saying... after a lot of thinking, and brainstorming for days with Jenny, we decided to blog. I didn't really like the idea very much, but she thinks its just easier and kind of cool, which can also end up being special and unique, right? Anyway... she is the head of the team so I am just following instructions really.

If you could follow me (and jenny the head) up until here - WELL DONE MY FRIEND!! hahahahahaha don't loose focus, I promise will be worth it. Anyway, what was I saying again? Right....

Last year a met these amazing human beings that found me out of fucking nowhere, like a tiny piece of moop in the middle of deep playa! (not my moop, probably Jenny's)

I thought I had a pretty great life, but really I did not know what "a great life" meant yet - I legit never felt like writing. ahahhahahaa like never felt like writing about anything or to anyone, I actually always hated to write (or read). But you know what they say - "you just have to find something you are passionate about to start writing (or to enjoy writing)". Well... I guess I found it (for now)!

Anyway....as I was saying, what I am trying to say is: I never thought about writing UNTIL.... 

I met you guys, then burning man round 1 happened (then A BUNCH of shit happened), then burning man round 2 happened, then suddenly I felt like writing - also because I think I talk a lot already, and this way you guys don't have to listen if you don't want to, also because this is cheaper then therapy! (this is when you can stop reading and its totally FINE) lol 

Wait, what was I saying again?! Right...

Anyway (long story short) what I am trying to say is that I am so grateful to have met you all, I've experience the craziest shits of my life with you guys, its like I lived 25 years in 2 years, you get what I am saying? hahahaha

Thank you for being exactly who you are!!!

Casey - the greatest father, the greatest leader, the biggest heart a human can ever have! I haven't met anyone who embraces the paper of father of the family better then you!! In all ways, others may not like it, but you are the one who keeps this family together (at the end of the day you are the party planner too... how can we not attend summer camp, house boating, volley gala and etc, ahaahaha). Buddy I had to start with you because if it wasn't for you this story would've never happen (or this post, Jenny likes to call it post).

Jenny B - (jenny the head is jealous now lol) Jenny b you are one of those I like to scream even when you are not around, even when I know you are not around, but makes me feel like you are around and therefore it makes me feel good!! JENNY B - have you ever hurt a bee? there are many things I love about you JENNY B, (that you are a crazy anxie like me, that u rather die burned down then from fomo at home... and the list goes on, but the reason I LOVE you the most is because NOT even ONCE you didn't wake up when I woke you up (for Robot Heart or Trinity Bellwoods park you were always there for me, or for the sunrise? or for both of us!) lol

HAAAIIILLLSSS- you are also one of those I like to scream even when you are not around, not just because I think its sexy to scream HAAAAIILLSS but also because I feel like if you are around - I am taken care of - like a older sister or something, like you ACTUALLY care about how I am doing, not that the others don't but I think you are the one who maybe asks me the most and I must say: I love it, and even if I am not well, I will be better just because you care to know how I am. makes sense? You know I truly care for you as well, its written in the starts scorpio and pisces are BEST MATCH ;)

SUUUUUUUSSSSS - actually I realize I like to scream your name a lot too, ACTUALLY - sorry CASEY HOWELL i do love to scream your name so don't be jealous lol
WAIT - ok so I just picture my self also screaming for SCOOCOOOO, JIMMYYYY, STOKIIIEEE, MAAAYLOOWW, ROBBIEEE, JUSTIIINN AND DAVEY - OK, CONCLUSION I JUST like to scream all of YOUR NAMES, fine! Anyway...back to SUUUUUUSSSS

SUUUUUSSSS - you are one of those who I don't need to say much to communicate, its like I am thinking and you receive the msg already! Have you ever got mad in life? because you seem to always bee in such a peaceful state of mind at all times, and thats the part of my missing puzzle you complete - spending my last morning at burning man with you and Nic Bayley meant a lot more then you can possibly think and imagine!! You know what they say "playa provides" and the playa did provided me with the peace (sus) and comedy (bayley) I needed that morning! you don't know but I probably had the worst day of my life the day before, where I thought I wasn't getting out of it - and you took me out of it, so THANK YOU! :)

I can't think of one without thinking about the other but I also can't talk about the 2 of you together because you are so different and play such a different roles in my life!!!

ROBBIEE - I trust everyone in this group very much, but Robbie I trust him with a niddle in his hands lol its like if Robbie tells me to jump on fire because its good for your skin - I'll do it. If Robbie is/gets mad - it kills my buzz, when he goes to bed he also kills my buzz, because then I think its time to go to bed too. I need Robbie around and of course happy, so that I know everything is under control. I love that uber thinks his home is my home, I love crashing his dinners, I love how he says he loves me out of nowhere, anywhere, anytime and also when I don't need to hear (because when I do need to hear he is already giving me a hug) - and if you leave burning man I leave burning man!

JUUUSSSTIIINNN - taking poops aren't the same after we met lol you are like me in this group - i once herd I skydive into it, I think you did too but at least Robbie was driving your parachute ahahahahaha. You are like my free therapist, and if there is someone that will read this whole (post - jenny likes to call it post) that person would be you.  I am going to be repetitive now but I have to because its so true - I love that you say you love me when I do need to hear and when I don't, and even when I am taking a poop lol I love that you think I am different and still loves me anyways. I love that sometimes you just seem to LOVE listening to me even when I don't make sense, even when nobody seems to care, you know what I mean? lol

SCOOOCOOOO - I'll lose my voice but I wont stop screaming!! You are one kind human being, I don't know how I earn the "lost" nickname when you've always been "loster" then me! how is that  fair? AAAAAHHHHH! SCOOOCOOO - you know they say I'm the sparkly pony - but you are MY sparkly pony bud - couple times you said you lost your mind to me at burning man - Did you find mine? hahahaha you know how I feel now (I guess?) and I know how you feel (I guess?) and that is what I love about you, WAIT - did that make sense? Whatever, what I am trying to say is: keep loosing your self, one day you will find the way out (not saying I did, but hey.. I am writing a blog lol).

MAAAYYLOOOWWWW - I think that of the whole familia you are the one i've been gradually getting to know better throughout the year and the more I get to really KNOW YOU the more I LOVE YOU! Maybe its because we are pisces, maybe its because you are queen V, maybe its because I can feel that you feel how I feel (wait, did that make sense?) - what I am trying to say is that: I believe you fall hard and you feel deeply and that you live intensely like I fall, and feel and live - got it? hahahaha so how can I not love to YOU?!

JIIIMMMYYYY - I really deeply which I had spend more time with you this burning man, I feel like I only met TIMMY back at the tend lol jenny and I LOVE you BOTH! its too bad I can't talk much about our burning man experience this year, also because I only remember you when I was fighting the sleeping pills (you don't know, but I was fighting them so that I could spend more burning time with you)!! I am so happy to have met both of you, actually to give birth to one of you and met Timmy! For the past year, my Thursdays wouldn't be called Thursday if you were not there (even if just for a drink). Jimmy/Timmy whoever you are, whoever decides to read this - I am just happy that you can go missing for months and comeback for a 3 day burn and still manage JIMMY AND TIMMY very well! Im still trying to figure it out how to manage Jenny alone!

TRESSSHHAAAA - how do I begin!! you know how some people talk about souls, matching souls whatever - that is what I felt when I first met you, like no effort to love you, it just happened!! I also remember the first time i saw you, you were wearing those black and white leggings that I have matchy matchy lol - stars align again we are mean to be friends!! What I am going to say might be repetitive but really makes sense - you are a mix of Robbie and Scooocoo to me (weird, but I'll try to explain) - I feel that you have the energy of SCOOTSS but the responsibility of Robbie, so its like you get the best of both worlds (I guess?) make sense? lol 
This burn the memory I have of you that stick into my head was when I went back to camp (to do god knows what) and you had just waken up and I came back to Robot Heart with you AND THE SIGN (that never made it back home). We didn't experience as much as I would like to this years burning man, but we didn't even needed to because you did your job sticking into my heart last burning man!!

KEEEYYKKEEYYYY - I don't scream more because you are not here more, of everyone in this family you are my last and newest "bestie" - why did it take so long? how did it happen? I don't know, i don't think Jenny knows either! snap chat brought us closer and I am so thankful for snapchat now! You always were that girl that everyone loves, that is not very much around and that I always wanted to get to know more! Well, mission successfully accomplished :) you are the biggest prove that you don't have to be close to be close. I would love for you to be closer, but you know what they say - everything happens for a reason, maybe if you were close it wouldn't be the same, maybe not being close is the beauty of it. The love I feel for you is like the love I feel about my friends in Brazil (and how I think/hope they feel about me too)! Its like you know its there, far, but close! makes sense?

MANDERSSSS -were we in the same camp? where was I, or where were you? whatever now, I hope you had a good BUURNN lol what I can tell you is that maybe we were burning at different schedules, but you did show up for you shift when you needed - what I mean about this is that you gave me a hug as I was LEGIT GOING MENTAL deciding weather to leave burning man (with Robbie and Justin) or staying for the man burn, and you came jumping like a happy butterfly, I think you said something like: everything is going to be ok, sounds silly when writing but it was  a pretty big deal when in my head NOTHING was OK.

DAAAVEEYYYY - I am sorry everyone but I have to give all credits of my first attendance to burning man - that again ties in to the beginning of how/why I even started this "post" to DAVEY. The English dictionary does not have a word to describe you my friend. Our relationship is funny because until the other day I didn't even have your number I think, yet you were one of the first ones I met from the crew. Your creativity inspires me, and the way you burn is how I aim to burn one day! Different then me (that never really know what am doing) - you look like you always know what you are doing, what you are wearing and where you are going, or maybe you don't but you do a pretty good job in at least ALWAYS looking like you know what your doing (other then burning carbon boxes, that you don't know how to). Anyway, whatever you are doing, you are doing it right! That "17 virgins" camp thats right - you can say you are one of the founders.

Guys - I hope I didn't miss anyone, I guess long story short all I am trying to say is THANK YOU!
Oh wait, right... STOOOKIIIIIEEEE!!!

Stokie and Melanie - let me know if you are still interested in reading then we'll (Jenny the head and I) elaborate something for our next post for you guys.

- This all might make sense or not, if it does - GREAT! If it doesn't, whatever they are thoughts from a foam head anyways, you are all crazy for reading.